
Tell Your Brand Story

Get Global Exposure! 

Control the narrative- tell the world how you started your business.

Brand Story

What’s your digital footprint like? What do people see when they search for you or your business on Google? You can change the narrative today.

The online space offers you the opportunity to be different and own your voice. entrepreneurs.ng is offering your business an amazing opportunity to be seen by the whole world. Imagine having your business seen by prospective clients from all over the world.

Do You Want:

  1. Increase in your customer base?
  2. Profit increase?
  3. Growth in impact?

Then let’s start telling your story now. When the world is looking for Entrepreneurs in Nigeria, where do they go first? entrepreneurs.ng.  Yes, you read right!

entrepreneurs.ng is the in stop centre for entrepreneurs. So, if you are not on this platform, I wonder where you are.

entrepreneurs.ng curates insights, experiences and information that inspire, inform and educate. With over a million clicks and counting, we’re connecting entrepreneurs, their offerings and the marketplace. As a result, we’re making business happen.

entrepreneurs.ng has the eyes and ears of entrepreneurs, business leaders and enthusiasts who make household and business decisions.

Don’t pass on this excellent opportunity to position your brand as the preferred choice. If you are not here, then where are you?

  • entrepreneurs.ng won the Best Nigerian Support platform 2020 Award by Technology Innovation Awards
  • Over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business leaders visit entrepreneurs.ng daily
  • When the world is looking for entrepreneurs, they go to entrepreneurs.ng
  • You increase your digital footprint so that when people search for you or your industry, you appear on the first page of Google

1) You appear on the first page of Google when searched.
2) Your business information, not just social media handles, is put on the world map and can easily be seen when searched.
3) Brand awareness for you as a person and as a business.
4) Brand visibility that generates leads
5) Leads that can turn into revenue
6) More revenue translates to more profit.

Make a payment, send evidence of payment to business@entrepreneurs.ng. We will send you a questionnaire to fill out, then we’ll tell your business story for the whole world to see. Your story will be published within 7 working days of payment confirmation

Your brand story will be published on entrepreneurs.ng. Your story stays for the lifetime of entrepreneurs.ng 

It costs N150,000 to tell your brand story on entrepreneurs.ng. Your story is published within 7 working days after payment confirmation all things being equal.

Different Ways to Pay:

Direct Payment

Bank Name: ReDahlia Business Academy
Number: 0630778154
Bank Name: GTBank

International payment details:

Bank Name: ReDahlia Business Ventures
Number: 0560144818
Swift Code: GTBINGLA
Sort Code: 058235212

Featured profiles of famous entrepreneurs on entrepreneurs.ng will inspire you to give your business the needed exposure. Nothing, absolutely nothing, should stop you from joining the league of enterprising entrepreneurs.

By telling your story on entrepreneurs.ng, you are in the league of famous entrepreneurs. This is because you have access to our daily readers. These readers are prospective customers you can reach through your profile. You will be doing your business a disservice if you run a business in Nigeria and not on entrepreneurs.ng.

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