The Cascador 2020 program is open to applications from entrepreneurs who are willing to take their business to the next level. So, if you are willing to scale your business, this opportunity is for you.
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The Cascador program is an intensive, in-depth examination of entrepreneurs’ interpersonal skills and business plans. The process begins prior to the on-site program and continues for six months afterward.
The mission is to help mid-stage entrepreneurs grow their businesses and their interpersonal skills by working with successful American and Nigerian entrepreneurs. In this 2020 edition, Cascador is planning for an in-person program if it can be done safely. If that is not possible, then the program will be virtual and will hold on November 9 – 13 in Lagos.
Who Should Apply For Cascador 2020?
This opportunity is for;
- Mid-stage entrepreneurs with at least 2 years of operation and revenues from sales of >$50,000/year or >$250,000 of capital.
- You must embrace giving and receiving constructive feedback.
- Participation is limited to 12 entrepreneurs.
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What To Expect
Scaling your business is the focus of the program. The business plan of each participant will be reviewed and enhanced by veteran mentors and peers.
Personal Development
Personal development is the foundation of professional growth. Prior to the program, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire that generates a report about your personality type. You will have a personal, one-hour video session prior to the program to interpret your report and discuss how your personality type can work best with people of other styles. The initiative will practice these interpersonal skills during interaction with the faculty and your peers.
Your Plan To Scale Your Business
You will be required to submit your business history and future plan prior to the program. Your history and plans will be discussed with faculty by video prior to the program so that the faculty can identify what support and resources you need.
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Cascador 2020 Program Outline
The program will hold on November 9 – 13, 2020. It will focus on you and your business, with personal interviews and reviews. Daily topics include;
Day 1: Increase self-awareness, leadership skills & high-performance team building
Day 2: Clarify the problem and the opportunity that your business addresses
Day 3: Sharpen plan to scale
Day 4: Enhance your ability to raise funds
Day 5: Pitch your enhanced business strategy to a panel of experts
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Benefits Of Cascador 2020
Six Months of Follow up Support; Each participant will have a faculty follow up monthly for six months to support the implementation of new business plans and leadership skills.
Outcome; Learn to be more effective at fundraising, scaling your business and leading your team.
The Cascador program will be held on the Lagos Business School campus. And, it is entirely free. Housing will be provided at a hotel within walking distance. However, selected applicants will be asked to provide a refundable deposit to hold their place. The deposit will be 100% refunded when you attend the program.
The Cascador 2020 program is now receiving application through August 30, 2020. If you want to benefit from this opportunity, you can learn more and apply using this link;
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