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Nigerian Bankers Committee Host Webinars On Creating Access To Resources For SME Growth

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| Updated:
October 15, 2020
The Nigerian Bankers Committee

Nigerian Bankers Committee is set to host a webinar on creating access to resources for SME growth.

The Bankers Committee has been mandated by the CBN to develop strategies that will increase access for SMEs to available financing. Several initiatives such as roadshows and media campaigns have been organised in the past.

Previously, the committee embarked on a major initiative aimed at sensitizing the business community in some selected locations across the country with a view to ensuring SMEs are better structured and equipped with the knowledge to effectively manage their respective businesses and access funding.

As part of the committee’s effort to promote financial literacy, The 2020 Bankers Committee Webinar Series calls for participation among SMEs across all sectors throughout the country. The central objective of the series is to broaden the understanding of the SMEs concerning interventions/funding for the segment and critically examine practical steps to resolve some of the obstacles that inhibit funding towards the segment.

The themes this year are Creating Access to Resources for SME Growth and Stimulating SMEs for Growth. This particular edition will take place virtually on Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 11 am.

The Bankers Committee as part of its effort to promote financial literacy among SMEs is inviting the general public to the first-ever webinar series. Industry experts will share their wealth of experience to participating SMEs and will encourage virtual and sustainable e-marketing.


This programme is for every entrepreneur who has a mindset of growth. If you want to grow your business, structure your business, and have access to financing, then you should register to attend this webinar. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Register at https://www.smegrowth.ng  for the webinar.

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