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Call For Application For The 2020 Roddenberry Prize Of $1M

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March 11, 2020
Roddenberry Prize

The $1M Roddenberry Prize launched in 2016 is a global competition that seeks innovative solutions that are impactful, and scalable.

So, if your solution is big, bold and addresses the challenges of an unpredictable and fast-changing global landscape, apply for the $1M Roddenberry Prize.

See Also: WE Empower UN SDG Challenge 2020 for entrepreneurs application.

Four game-changing and innovative solutions will be awarded $250,000. The innovative solutions will be in the following fields: Education, Science, Environment, and Humanity. Individuals, for-profits, teams, non-profits, and B-corps should apply.

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The Roddenberry Prize has three objectives:

  1. To highlight extraordinary organisations and support their efforts in creating greater impact.
  2. To seek out creative approaches from diverse members of the global community.
  3. And, inspire people to take innovative and creative approaches to global problems.

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Four Key Focus Areas

Four key focus areas accepted are:


The prize awardee will focus on education for all. Moreover, education for all is a pathway out of poverty for countless families irrespective of income or geography.

Besides, education supports economic growth, empowers women and girls, improves the overall health of a community and combats climate change.

Still, access to quality and affordable education is not attainable for many. Therefore, solutions in this area will focus on:

  • Literacy and numeracy
  • Early childhood education
  • Access and distance to home
  • Affordability
  • Technology in the classroom
  • Teacher training

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The climate is changing, global temperatures are climbing, super hurricanes are tearing their way across the planet, ice caps are melting and corporate actions on vulnerable communities are disproportionate.

As a result, we need to protect the ocean, reduce pollution, lower the emissions of greenhouse gasses and mitigate the human destruction of the environment.

For that reason, key topics to address in the environment includes but not limited to:

  • Climate change
  • Biodiversity
  • Plant-based diets
  • Pollution
  • Deforestation
  • Clean Water

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Medicine, health, and science have seen tremendous progress. The progress has helped in the understanding of the human body, the planet, and the environment. However, 1.6 billion people still don’t have access to basic healthcare. Furthermore, millions are killed by Dengue fever and HIV/AIDS yearly.

Therefore, efforts in health and scientific innovations must not stop. Consequently, the key topics to be addressed under the science category are, but not limited to:

  • Malnutrition
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Immunization and global vaccinations
  • Health care
  • Family planning
  • Diabetes

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So, over the past 100 years, humanity has made remarkable progress. However, there’s a need for the progress to be transparent, inclusive and equitable.

Hundreds of millions of people suffer from economic and social disruption, displacement, mass incarceration, unclean water, and large scale conflict. As a result, the topics to be addressed under humanity include but, not limited to:

  • Population growth
  • Income Inequality and poverty
  • Conflict and war
  • LGBTQIA rights
  • Nationalism and white supremacy
  • Online privacy
  • Refugees and migration

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Important Dates For The Roddenberry Prize

Price Launch

Between March 4 and April 10, applicants should learn about the prize, register an account on the Roddenberry Foundation site, review the application and apply.

Round One Deadline

Applicants are to complete registration and submit an application no later than Friday, April 10, at 5:00 PM Pacific. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Round One Review

Roddenberry Foundation reviews submissions to ensure they comply with The Roddenberry Prize eligibility and rules. Moreso, Round One applications are evaluated against a scoring rubric. In addition, advisors provide specialised expertise to reviewers.

Round Two Opens

May 11, 2020, a selected number of applications will be invited to submit an application for Round Two of the prize. Only those invited to Round Two will remain in consideration for the prize. Invited applicants will have four weeks to submit their Round Two application.

Round Two Deadline

All Round Two applications are due by Friday, June 5 at 5:00 PM Pacific. Applications cannot be submitted after the deadline, and incomplete applications will not be considered.

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Round Two Evaluation

Between June 8, 2020, and July 13, 2020, the Roddenberry Foundation team evaluates applications using the scoring criteria, with consultations from advisors. Next, the top-scoring application in each category is then selected for an award.

Roddenberry Prize Awardees Announced

In August 2020, the four 2020 prize awardees will be announced on, the Roddenberry Foundation social media and press releases.

Evaluation And Criteria For Roddenberry Prize

Criteria For The Roddenberry Prize

Plans have to be well-thought-out with clear goals, specific metrics, and measurable impact. The solution has to be:


The solution should be ground-breaking, address the problem with a completely novel approach in terms of materials, processes, or activities.


Solutions should have great potential for meaningful impact. Moreover, it should clearly describe what success looks like, the resources required and bold outcomes.


Applicants must be ambitious for large-scale impact. Equally, the vision should be compelling with a well-articulated roadmap to define and measure short- and long-term success.

Have a track record

Applicants must have an exceptional track record, unique perspective, and a wealth of insight into the work. In addition, dynamic leadership with unparalleled commitment and demonstrable evidence of success are part of the criteria.

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Eligibility For Applying For The Roddenberry Prize

Individuals, for-profits, social enterprises, and B-corps who meet all the following should apply:

  • Individuals who are 18 years of age or older
  • Organizations or institutions with a budget of $10mil or less
  • Organizations whose work focuses on Education, Science, the Environment, or Humanity
  • Have submitted an application in English
  • Complete responses to all required application questions
  • Agree to all legal terms and conditions of the Prize grant program
  • Be able to legally receive grant funding

To apply, visit the Roddenberry Prize application platform.

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Florence Chikezie

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