Get Your Business Registered


Business Registration With CAC is simple, seamless, straightforward and timely with ReDahlia. Let our support team register your business and trademark your brand. Contact ReDahlia today at 08188122223 or



Business Registration With CAC is simple, seamless, straightforward and timely with ReDahlia.

Let our support team register your business and trademark your brand.

The first step in putting a structure to your business is owning your name. Nobody wants to work hard and create a brand awareness for a name only to find out when you want to register it that the name belongs to someone else.

So, at the onset of your business, we advocate that you get your business registered with CAC. This gives your business an identity and separates it from you.

Here are the registrations we offer:

  1. Business Name
  2. Limited Liability Company Registration
  3. NGO
  4. Trademark
  5. SCUML

We have been delivering, and testimonies abound on our social media handles.

You will find all the requirements when you click here. 

To register your business through us, send the registration requirements back to us through email:, make payment and attach evidence of payment to the email, and the process will start.

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