Entrepreneurs make notable mistakes when raising funds. These funding mistakes have been explained in this video. Are you trying to raise funds, these funding mistakes may be the reason why investors have not said yes to you yet.
Unless your business is to be funded solely by you, maybe you are a distant cousin to Otedola or you come from old money, you need to source for the funds to run your business. And that singular act has been a bone of contention for startup entrepreneurs.
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It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for startup funds, especially if you are new to the business world. Furthermore, if this is your first time attempting to grow a business, you are more likely to make mistakes.
The process of funding your business is extremely important because it can make or break your company. But while many entrepreneurs know this fact, not many have successfully secured one.
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It’s either the business run on a smaller scale with money they can afford or they take up short-term loans that do not do much for the business.
This is not to scare you into running a medicare business, but to seek funding in the right and result-guaranteed way. This video will be highlighting those funding mistakes that have hindered many startups and small business owners from growing through its trajectory.
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Funding Mistakes To Avoid When Seeking Start-Up Funding
Here are the funding mistakes we’ll highlight in the video, below;
1. Lacking a Good, Solid Business Plan
2. Going Into Too Much Detail Too Early
3. Exploring Only a Few Funding Options
4. Reaching Out To Investors Without Doing Your Research
5. Asking For Too Much Or Too Little Money
6. Giving Away Too Much Equity
7. Getting Swindled
Watch this video to the end to understand the steps to take to avoid making these common yet destructive funding mistakes.
Have you ever sought funds before? How was your experience? Tell us in the comment section.