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Marketing On LinkedIn: Best Ways To Use LinkedIn For Business

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November 1, 2022
Marketing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been around long before some popular social platforms came into existence. But it appears to be the most underutilized social media channels. That’s probably because it is a professional platform. LinkedIn is arguably one of the best social networking platforms for professional and business-focused individuals. That is why marketing on LinkedIn is important for your business.

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As an entrepreneur, LinkedIn could serve as an effective tool to promote your business. Most business owners employ this digital marketing strategy to create brand awareness and generate leads. It also helps in converting sales and building profitable partnerships. With over 65 million users, LinkedIn will give your business the required visibility and networking opportunities needed to grow your clientele. Marketing your business on LinkedIn is a step in the right direction. 

In this post, I will be sharing with you a guideline on how you can market your business on LinkedIn. 

Let’s get started.

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Create A Company Profile For Marketing On LinkedIn

A business profile is different from a personal profile. With a company profile, you can create business-centric content. You can also run promos and connect with members of your staff on LinkedIn. On this profile page, you can fill in information about your business detailing your brand offering and company background.

Also, you can add your business operations, core values, and contact information. Your profile content, imagery, and colours should be consistent with your company branding. It should also be similar to the content on your company website and other social media channels. 

Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you create a company profile for marketing on LinkedIn.

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1. Log Into Your Individual Account

To create a company account on LinkedIn, you must first have a personal account. This account should position you as a professional in your industry. Then, log into your account. Click the company icon on top and add your business name. It’s best to do this on your laptop or computer.

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2. Company Verification

Before filing your company details, your account will be verified. LinkedIn would verify to ensure that you are an official representative of that company. So, you must enter your company name and email for verification. Your company name will be used to create your LinkedIn profile URL. 

For example, our business name is ReDahlia. Thus, our LinkedIn URL would be With a link like this, your profile will be easily accessible by potential customers and partners.

This is important especially if you provide B2B services. When they research your company on search engines like Google, your LinkedIn profile will pop up in the search results. 

3. Fill Your Company

The next step is to fill in all the necessary information about your business. This includes; your company description, brand logo, type of company, year of established, industry, location, core brand offerings, website, and other social media handles. 

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4. Optimize The Summary Section

The summary section is a blank space where you can write an overview of your company. This is also known as your company description. This is an important step in creating your company profile which you must not overlook. It’s an opportunity to sell your business and woo potential clients. 

Use that 2000 characters to tell your brand story to your target audience. Write with the first person point of view. Also, maintain all grammar rules. Let your message be clear and convincing. If they can connect with your story, they will be persuaded to buy from you.

See Also: How to promote and advertise your business on Nairaland.

5. Add Products And Services

Click on the products and services icon. On the next page, add information about the products and services your business offers. You would have to include details like; product/service name, category, image, product description, features, benefits, payment link, current discount or promo, and disclaimer. 

6. Create A Landing Page

This is the final step in creating your profile. It comes after adding information on your products and services. You will be requested to create a customised landing page. A landing page is a standalone web page. It directs prospects on how to purchase your product or service. 

With LinkedIn, you can create different landing page designs for different audiences. One homepage could be targeted to your prospects in Nigeria, another could be targeted to people in Ghana or the United State. You can add a video of your product demo on the landing page. Also include your company description, spotlight slider, and a list of all your products and services. 

Once your profile goes live, remember to update your company info regularly as your business continues to grow and expand.

See Also: Social media business ideas to start now and make money. 

Marketing On LinkedIn Requires Networking

Networking is a vital step when it comes to marketing on LinkedIn. I bet you’ve heard the saying, “your network is your network”. This rule also applies to business. Your cash inflow increases as your network increases. LinkedIn provides a platform where you can find your target customers and connections. 

Unlike other social media channels, the LinkedIn algorithm does not restrict your interactions with people within your geographical location. You can connect with businesses and professionals around the world. So, go out there and mingle, engage with their content, post intelligent comments, and kick off a conversation in their inbox. 

See Also: Easy steps to make money on YouYube.

Participate In Groups

Join LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your industry and target audience. This helps you keep tabs on the conversations and trends within the industry. You will gain insight into the needs of your target audience. And, you can spark a conversation with them offering your expert advice even if you’re not connected on the general LinkedIn platform. 

Also, participate in discussions and make yourself known among the members of the group. Each time you post a comment, it appears alongside your name, photo, and even brief info about your company. Now, that’s a smart angle to marketing your business on LinkedIn. You can create your own LinkedIn group for close interaction with your clients and prospects. Then, drive people from other groups to become members of your group.

SEE ALSO: 10 Networking Tips to Build And Grow Your Business Network

Use Content To Market On LinkedIn

The importance of content creation cannot be overemphasised. High-quality content targeted to the right audience can improve your marketing strategy on LinkedIn. Your content should be useful, educational, and beneficial to your audience. It should provide pragmatic solutions to their problems and establish you as an authority in your industry. 

If you’re struggling to generate content, use LinkedIn polls to quiz your audience and get ideas on the ideal content post. You can also create content that addresses the questions people ask on LinkedIn.

Don’t forget to post status updates, sharing tips, professional advice, company announcements, and special offers. When your post begins to gain more engagement, LinkedIn will upload it on one of their spotlight categories so the post can go viral. Now, that is the kind of visibility you need to grow your business. 

Use Sponsored Ads To Market On LinkedIn

Yes, sponsored ads also work on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn Direct Ads to post your advert. Post according to the job title, job functions, skills, industry, geographical location, age, and gender of your target audience. This puts you on top of the competition. It also creates more awareness for your business.

Ensure that the content of the sponsored post is top-notch. Include a free package like an ebook, pdf guide, free course, or white paper as bait. And don’t forget to include a strong call-to-action.

Marketing on LinkedIn will position your brand as the preferred choice for business-minded professionals. The same benefit is what you get when you position your brand on Contact us today to put your business on the world map.


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