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Inspirational Quotes By Nigerians That Will Inspire Success In Your Life And Business

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July 1, 2020
Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes motivates you to be successful because to attain success in life and business, you need to be inspired. Also, experiences of life’s journey is enough to throw you off balance, but if you constantly watch what your mind ingest, you will live a fulfilling life.

See Also: Business quotes from Nigerian entrepreneurs that will push you to greatness.

We have compiled these inspirational quotes from celebrities and business owners in Nigeria to get you inspired and motivated.

Inspirational Quotes By Uche Pedro

  • “Cut out the noise, focus on doing the right thing, making an impact on opening doors for others to come.”
  • “Keep it simple, don’t try to do everything. Pick your lane and be the best at it.”
  • “As a leader, you need focus and clarity in order to Step Up and Stand Out.”
  • “You may be small but you can accomplish BIG things.”
  • “There is no fixed career path. Look inward, find your passion, find your niche and go for it! Don’t over-think it. While you are ‘thinking’ someone might launch your idea.”
  • “We need to build our own national social networks and not be dependent on those coming mainly from USA. We need to build home grown social networks.”

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Inspirational Quotes By D’Banj

  • “Your success is determined by how much you deprived yourself of frivolities. Never let anyone talk you out of your dreams.”
  • “I stand for visible hope for every young boy and girl thinking of how to succeed. Trust me, you can do whatever you want.”
  • “You got to love the hustle, you got to love the fame, you got to love the shows. You just got to love the ups and downs.”

Inspirational Quotes By Don Jazzy

  • “In business nowadays, people always forget to work with the heart. It’s not every time that you go for skills.”
  • “There are lots of things that people can do in music industry. One of the challenges that we have in the industry is actually human resources. We are looking for people that can handle different things.”
  • “I am a leader that allows his team to do what they think is right.”
  • “I listen to everyone from manager to gateman. Once you have an idea, we table it, we debate it and if it is practicable at the end of the day, we run it.”
  • “Advice to musicians, you have to have passion. If your initial plan was to come into music production because of money, you won’t go far.”
  • “You must try to create a name for yourself; create a style for yourself and do things differently.

See Also: Manufacturing business ideas to start now for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors.

Inspirational Quotes By Funke Akindele

  • “Build a proper structure for yourself and your brand. Get an office, a good website, social media presence, business name etc.”
  • “Never stop learning or educating yourself. Go to schools and study to be a true professional.”
  • “I always tell people to never believe that because you are made, you can bring people down. Even if you are up there, remain level-headed so you don’t fall.”
  • “If you have an idea, sleep, eat and drink it until you make a reality of it.”

Inspirational Quotes By Genevieve Nnaji

  • “There are usually advantages and disadvantages seen in every facet of life. Don’t expect everything to be all roses.”
  • “With evolving comes change and with change we hope, comes improvement.”

Inspirational Quotes By Adenike Ogunlesi

  • “Money is a tool that must be earned through sacrifice and discipline. It created value, adds value but must never define you.”
  • “Your integrity is a deciding factor towards building a brand. Make sure you make a straight plan.”
  • “Be focused and clear in your mind about what you want to do. If you set out to do something, complete it.”
  • “Failure is an opportunity to learn. Fear is false evidence appearing real.”
  • “Get it right, and everything else will fall in place.”
  • “Find your authentic self, everybody else is taken. Find out who you are, what your purpose is and go after it with everything in your total being.”
  • “The African continent is moving into a new stage of growth and development. It offers tremendous opportunities for those willing to take the risk.”
  • “You need to make a connection between what’s in your head, where your heart is, and your hands will then do the work.”
  • “Don’t keep your ideas in your head. Articulating your goals get you closer to your dreams.”

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Inspirational Quotes By Funmi Iyanda

  • “If you accept who you are and understand your role where you are, you might begin to find ingenious ways to solve your own problems.”
  • “The more you try to be someone else, the more you fail yourself and actually fail the people who love you.”
  • “Sometimes, a leader needs to get into a position where he or she sees something, knows that the thing needs to be done and does it.”
  • “If you’re smart with your savings, if you’re smart with planning ahead, you can get a lot of things done.”
  • “In every business, you must know your own values, your core strengths.”
  • “Life is never about individual outcomes, but about the journey, the lessons and skills learnt along the way.”

Inspirational Quotes By Linda Ikeji

  • “My name is Linda Ikeji and my time is different from yours. Just because you are not where the society said you should be at this point in your life, doesn’t make you late. It makes you ‘YOU’.”
  • “One of the things that prevent us from happiness is observing others and wishing we were in their shoes.”
  • “Sometimes stop what you are doing and smell the flowers. It could help you focus on the significant and truly see what matters the most.”
  • “Giving up is what most people do when it gets tough, if you don’t go through hardship, what story will you tell when you succeed.”
  • “Young people need to know that the beginning is always tough but you need to ride the tide.”
  • “You are way more powerful than you know. So keep fighting, keep believing, keep working. Work until your idols become your rivals.”
  • “When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure you are always blessed in abundance.”
  • “Dear young ladies, please be patient. Please you really can make it through hard work.”

Inspirational Quotes By Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde

  • “There will always be disgruntled elements concerning whatever you do. Keep your heart clean, stay focused and work hard.”
  • “Success is when God is happy with you, when the closest people around you are happy and when your soul is at peace with you.”
  • “There is some kind of value you can bring to humanity.”
  • “You can’t do everything at the same time, don’t be too much in a hurry. Space out yourself, rest, understand yourself and love yourself.”
  • “Take it easy with your mind. Don’t stress it. Don’t lose it.”
  • “We can rise. We can achieve so much at the end of the day if we get it right.”
  • “There has to be something that drives you. Find that thing that drives you and you’ll be able to have longevity in it.”
  • “Be yourself, you might not understand it, others might not understand it, but someday, your purpose will be enough.”

Inspirational Quotes By Amaete Umanah

  • “Always remember that people don’t fail, they just give up.”
  • “Having a mentor to me is the core to having a successful business and a successful life.”
  • “Look for a mentor, learn as much as you can and never ever stop learning.”
  • “In anything you do, God first, then patience, discipline, passion and the right attitude.”
  • “Life is an adventure, embrace it. Don’t just think about yourself, think about others and help as much as you can.”

Inspiration Quotes By Stephanie Okereke

  • “To become successful in anything, you need to love what you do and have a strong passion for it.”
  • “Growth is a gradual process and you must aspire to it every day.”
  • “You can’t move forward in life without having someone to follow or inspire you. So, learn from your ideals.”
  • “When there’s a lot of passion inside you, you do not really care about obstacles. You just pursue what you were born to.”
  • “Glamour is good but the moment you lose sight of your humility, the balance gets distorted. So, be a person of substance.”

Inspirational Quotes By Ubi Franklin

  •  “Stitching together a business with nothing but a great idea, your unique talents and whatever few resources you have at hand is most certainly a miracle.”
  • “Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each. So it’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.”
  • “Few men have the natural strength to honour a friend’s success without envy. Envy always implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides.”
  • “Feel the fear, and do it anyway, you can’t run away from your burdens. Attack them head-on and unleash the promise God has for you on the other side.”

See Also: How to start affiliate marketing business today.

Inspirational Quotes By Richard Mofe-Damijo

  • “The thing about getting older is that with each passing day you know yourself better, find your voice more and generally become better aware.”
  • “If we remember that life is a journey and that every journey has a rest point, we will stop fighting with and getting discouraged by every lull we experience on our life’s journey.”
  • “Just as we stop to refuel, eat or even stretch out during actual journeys, life sometimes stops us every now and then.” “Be what, where, who, and how you can be, but by all means, be real.”
  • “Don’t enter into a relationship with the intent of giving nothing in return. You must be willing to service whatever relationship you have.”
  • “Have respect, more for yourself than the one you latch onto because it is self-respect that restrains you from behaving in ways that put you in bad light.”
  • “Never be afraid to pause sometimes to look at yourself in the mirror and ask if all is going well. If not, reappraise. Reassess. Reprogram. Redirect. Redefine and Rev on.”
  • “Finding fulfillment in the midst of the storm is a gift from God.”
  • “Relax. Trust the process. It’s easier than you think. Smiling through it all, is all the mask you need to complete the journey.”

Inspirational Quotes By Goodluck Ebere Jonathan

  • “The stronger the boat (of democracy), the more it is able to meet the challenges of its voyage and deliver on its promise to citizens.”
  • “Democracy is a journey that every nation mindful of advancing the liberty of its citizens must undertake.”
  • “No matter your political interest, you must place your country first. You must show some kind of patriotism.”
  • “It is the supreme task of this generation to give hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak and protection to the defenseless.”
  • “Somebody must sacrifice and work for the next generation otherwise, your children’s children will suffer the same predicaments as you have.” 
  • “As we strive to advance our democratic development, there will be times when our will shall be tested, our patience provoked and our belief questioned.”
  • “The beauty of democracy is that its practice is never final and always has room for improvement no matter how old a democratic society may be.”
  • Life is a journey, in it are many roads, intersections and stops.”
  • “Where we falter, we must not fail. When we are weak, we must not surrender.”

Inspirational Quotes By Duncan Mighty

  • “Have a mentor, learn from your mentor, but don’t copy your mentor.”
  • “When you pay the price of learning, whenever you talk, your teacher will listen…”
  • “He who has self-control is greater than he who can capture a city.”
  • “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • “When you love what you do, you won’t look at the stress involved in doing it.”
  • “Sometimes you stay silent, and allow people to assume all they want.”

Inspirational Quotes By E-Money

  • “If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you to places that will amaze you.”
  • “I like the dreams of the future, better than the history of the past.”
  • “Remember you are not entitled to anything. You have to earn your success every day, and you will make mistakes like everyone else.”
  • “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
  • “The achiever is the only individual who is truly alive.”
  • “Success cannot come from standstill men. Methods change and men must change with them.”
  • “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Inspirational Quotes By Kcee

  • “Do not give your past the power to define your future, because your future can be bigger and better than yesterday and today.”
  • Don’t pay attention to people who don’t celebrate your victories. They’ll be the ones’ to create hashtags when you fail or die. Be careful, be smart, love yourself, and love those who love you! Real friends are hard to come by.”
  • “It is impossible until you do it. Take charge!”
  •  “Dress smartly always, so you do not miss opportunities. Most people judge by appearance but stay true to yourself, don’t ever lie to yourself.”
  • “On your journey to greatness, remain focused because you will see a lot of distractions.”

Inspirational Quotes By Ice Prince

  • “It’s better to be a small person amongst big people than be a big person amongst small people.”
  • “It’s never too late to have a new dream, a new goal, a new beginning to achieve your Ultimate Goal.”
  • “Scream Your Name! You deserve to be great.”
  • “Everything would eventually fall into place, even though it doesn’t look like it now, just keep working and believing”  
  • “If you believe every man, woman and child has the freedom to be who they want to be, you believe in a 50/50 world and you believe in Purple.”
  • “50/50 doesn’t mean men should start wearing make-up. It means men should treat women with respect.”

See Also: Major qualities of an effective project manager.

Quotes By Burna Boy

  • “Whatever way you choose, you’re the one that chose it, so you’re responsible for it. So you have to make the best of it.”
  •  “It takes time for everything to fall into place, but when you know what should fall into place, it would definitely fall into place, no matter how long it takes.”
  • “…From my happy place to create a happy place for a lot of people. I feel like that’s the biggest achievement anyone can ever get. You can’t plan that; it is God’s work.”

Quotes By Asa

  • “We will not put an end to extreme poverty if we do not give priority to education especially, girls education.”
  • “Universal quality education is one of the best antidotes to poverty” –
  •  “You don’t have to wait till you feel the pain. You can start right now. It’s not too late to be grateful.”
  • “When you just can’t see the future, when you just can’t see the light, you always got to put on a fight.”
  • “I know I can’t change the past, but as the river keeps flowing, I’ll keep on moving on.”

Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

  • “You can’t write a script in your mind and then force yourself to follow it. You have to let yourself be.”
  • “The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing how we are.”
  • “Show a people as one thing, only one thing, over and over again and that is what they become.”
  • “If we do something over and over, it becomes normal. If we see the same thing over and over, it becomes normal.”
  • “Power is the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person.”
  • “There are many different ways to be poor in the world, but increasingly, there seems to be one single way to be rich.”
  • “Greatness depends on where you are coming from.”
  • “There are people who dislike you because you did not dislike yourself.”
  • “Try more strategy and less force. Passion never wins any game, never mind what they say.”
  • “It’s not your job to be likable, it’s your job to be yourself. Someone will like you anyway.”

Quotes By Fela Durotoye

  •  “For every stage and season of your life, PURPOSE will always create a vacuum that you are wired and equipped to fill. Find your vacuum and fill it.”
  • “When you don’t know where you are going in life, no clear destination, you don’t need direction, you need divine revelation.”
  • “Everyone including YOU suffers when you refuse to BE all and DO all you can.”
  • “Today is the past of your future. So, make today count for the sake of your history. Use your words, time and choices wisely.”
  • “Not everything in your past qualifies to be called history; only the things in the past that shaped your future.”
  • “We must be the ones to re-define the world class standard of excellence.”

Quotes By A.Y

  • Always believe that you can create something for yourself, believe that you can make things happen.”
  • “Do something for yourself and try to create an impact. Let your passion be well expressed and every other thing will follow.”
  • “The secret is not for you to venture into business because you think people are making money. You need to do your research. You also need to have an understanding of finance”.
  • “When you want to attract people to buy a product, they must have a certain level of likeness for the product.”
  • “Humility is the true key to succeed in life. Eradicate every form of arrogance and self-indulging trap that will halt your blessings from God.”

Quotes By Betty Irabor

  • “Doing things right is a challenge but doing things right consistently is a greater challenge.”
  • “The battle against failure is real but you have to learn to confront your fears and look at failure as a temporary setback.”
  • “Never be afraid to change the plan. It’s not too late to start planning now, if you have not started.”
  • “At every stage in your life, you always have to know when you need to “Transition” to the next phase of your life.”
  • “The process may be long, weary and it may leave you heartbroken but fight with your every last breath. Don’t give up and don’t give in.”
  • “There can be no progress without commensurate effort and discipline. Progress requires we keep PRESSING forward.”
  • “We all need to get a second chance to become and come in our ‘dew’ season. When you get the chance to take another shot at life, embrace it with both hands.”
  • “Courage is stepping out into uncharted territories not knowing what your chances of success are.”
  • Don’t dwell too much on what you haven’t achieved, rather focus on how to achieve it. It’s never too late to start again even after starting again.”

Quotes By Banky W

  • “Falling down is inevitable but getting back up is optional. You can’t appreciate sunshine if you’ve never been through a heavy rain.”
  • “We must be a part of the change we seek, or risk being changed ourselves.”
  • “I believe that true greatness and success shouldn’t be measured by what you are able to give.”
  • “You have the chance to turn things around because tomorrow is a new day. Crying over your past is not going to do anything for you.”
  • “In life, you should never be satisfied with one achievement. The day you become satisfied with where you are is the beginning of your end.”

I believe that you have been inspired to conquer your fears today so, get back into your workspace and continue to build. The world is waiting for your debut.

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